Tuesday, February 2, 2010

whys guy

He is not sure that things
happen for
a reason. He wishes he
did, because it might help
him understand everything. He would
like to think that life has
a rhythm, a mind of its
own, and he thinks he
does. So, he wonders if
things do happen according to some plan
or if the mind
bends ideas and thoughts and rationales
so that
sense can be made
of the
senseless. After all, isn’t that life’s
biggest, toughest
challenge, understanding why?He used
to tell his students that the most
important question they could ever
WHY? He still tells
them that, when
he remembers to. The
problem comes when
no one can
answer, which is
a good bit
time. Why?
Is this where
faith is supposed
to come

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