Saturday, February 13, 2010


He wonders a lot about Jeannie, recently. Why, he’s not exactly sure. If someone asked him flat out, he’d probably say he’s just being melancholy. But that would be a lie. It’s because he wonders, still, if she wasn’t the one. He knows all about the grass being greener. He understands that. But this feels different, somehow. There was a time when he thought he couldn’t live without her. Then there was a time when he told himself that he had to. Now, he’s not so sure the latter was the best, correct, right. He’s married, now. Been for 17 years. But in all that time he’s kept that tiny spot for her in his heart. He’s decided that he will call her, tomorrow, just to hear her voice. If it goes no further than that he still knows that he will have cheated on his wife. But he has no choice. He’s still in love with Jeannie. Never stopped, actually, being in love with her. Just stopped, for a time, acknowledging it, that, her.

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