Friday, February 26, 2010

author, author!

His father lifts him high on his shoulders, raising him into the night so he can see the colorful, flashing wonders of the festival parade. It seems a small gesture, a little thing to Enrique Gomez, the kind of thing a father does for a young son, even after spending a long, arduous day on the docks. A chance to see. Only that. What Enrique couldn’t see, wouldn’t even imagine is that his son Raul’s view from there -- the color, the sparkle, the beauty -- was somehow burned into his memory and changed his life. In 25 years, Raul Enrique Gomez will become the most celebrated, critically acclaimed and popular Mexican-American author in history. His stories and tales will entrance millions, touch millions, change millions of lives and he will trace everything back to the magic his four-year-old eyes saw that night when his father lifted him into the blackness. “It created in me a sense of wonder,” the author will say. And while others will try to analyze and decipher the how and why of Raul Enrique Gomez, disbelieving such a simple explanation, he knows. And he is thankful.

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