Friday, June 11, 2010


As he drifted up and away from his body, he felt a freedom that he’d only imagined in a life that'd seemed restricted and constricted and full of stops and starts, but no steady rhythm, and as he looked down and saw what was left of him, he felt a bit embarrassed that he looked so tiny and frail and, well, human. Human. He was no more. But what was he, now? He expected some sort of sign, some figment of reality that he was in purgatory, or en route, somewhere, but he felt instead, only a sense of relief, a sense of being part of something larger, finally. He looked for the bright light, but saw none. But he didn’t care. It was light, enough. Then, he saw a brilliance that he would never, ever, be able to describe and he moved toward it. Then he heard a buzzing, dull and monotone, and he reached over and turned off his alarm. He sat up, and knew: He would die, today. He knew it for certain. And he wasn’t afraid. Not at all.

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