Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Gait way

She didn’t realize what she’d given away – and what she’d taken -- until later that day, when she saw his wife walking across campus in the gathered evening. Until exactly then, until that very moment, it had all been a blur – exciting, sexy, heady. He’d chosen me, he was having me! And what was funny, or, better, perhaps, odd, was that it was the way she, his wife, the wife, walked that did it. Her gait was hurried, purposeful, as she headed, through the cold, lonely, dripping rain, home, to him, to theirs. It was at that moment that her body revolted on her, revulsed, physically, and she had to run to the bathroom to vomit. The way she walked; the way she walked; the way she walked – and she picked up the phone to call her mother.

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