Wednesday, December 23, 2009

why don't you ...

He was sitting on the toilet when the car plowed into the side of his house and ground to a halt inches from the bathroom sink. When the smoke cleared, he could see that the driver’s head was stuck in the windshield. His left ear was severed, it seemed, though from where he sat, Leny Doon wasn’t exactly sure. But blood was everywhere. The car’s engine was still grinding, but all Leny could think of, for the moment, for the briefest of moments, for Leny was a good guy, was the $2,000 deductible on his insurance. The man in the windshield started groaning, surprisingly on beat, to “Build Me Up, Buttercup,” which was playing on the car stereo. Leny moved toward the man, who said, “Please, help me.” Leny did, but first he reached in, fished around for the dial, and turned off the radio. It seemed like the right thing to do. Besides, he never did like the song.

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