Sunday, November 29, 2009

lettuce prey

The confusing thing is this idea
God. OK, so there is
God; someone – something – had
to put
all this together. It is not possible
that two boulders crashed into
another and -- poof! –
all this intricacy happened. At least
that’s what
believes. But what beyond
that? What does
God expect of him? Of them?
Of anyone? And what about
the End Result, though he’s
not so sure he believes in anything
other than
some plot of grass, somewhere. So – but – if
we pray to Him, to whom
are we praying? It seems
a legitimate question.
To him?
To an idea?
Or is it just a moment
of concentration, a moment
of pause, an engineered time
to breathe deeply and re-think,
again, and come away somehow
Buoyed, again?

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