Sunday, May 17, 2009


the tv man raised a thick eyebrow then said,
"we have gut-wrenching news from the coast.
last night a lone gunman walked into a bar
and threatened all there with this boast":

“I’ve been over there; I’ve watched dozens die
“I know what it’s like to see hell
“I’ll let you all live, let you all walk away
“if just one of you’s seen it as well.”

a silence o’erlayed all around in that room
no one spoke. no one sniffed. no one dare.
til Annabelle Moon in the corner did stand.
she’d lost two of her boys over there.

with this news the talking head slivered his eyes
he softened his voice a bit, too.
while the crawler below told the middle day scores
an eye-witness reported her view.

“this lady she said ‘I don’t know what you’ve seen,
“’I would never assume what you feel,
“’but if you’ll take a moment and put down that gun
“’maybe most of the rest here can leave.’”

he did and did we, she went on with a tear,
we walked into the dark, out of view
then we stood in the silence still holding our breaths
til we heard not one gunshot, but two.

"no one knows what was said in the dusk of the pub,"
the newsman said, reading his part.
tho later ‘twas said annie’d waited for years
prayed for ease from the pain in her heart

"it’s a story of war and of tragedy’s pain,"
the reporter reported to close.
then the anchorman teased, a smile now his look,
“coming next, Mylie Cyrus’ new pose.”

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